
By Bob20

Oblivious: Chesterfield Station.

This afternoon, I have been to Chesterfield station to collect Mrs. Bob, she has had a few days in London; going to the Proms, theatre, museums etc., and the evenings with two of our sons.

Chesterfield station is a very quaint station with lots of artefacts from the age of steam, such as the pillars and canopy in this shot. The guy on the platform is completely oblivious to the high speed train thundering through!

its worth a look LARGE

Update on the competition:

Thank you everyone yet again, I receive quite a few more votes after posting my blip, so I haven’t exhausted you all yet!!

With five days to go, my entry is doing very well and in the lead. But I must not be complacent. If you haven’t voted for my entry, and would like to consider doing so, click on the yellow link below. This will take you to my shot of Lake Matheson. If you want to vote for it, click LOVE ME.

Lake Matheson, New Zealand

Thank you all for your support.

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