
By Bob20


Again I am staggered by the effort blippers are going to in order to help me win my first ever photography competition. The comments in support, and to tell me the entry has been voted for, are simply unbelievable! Subscriptions to my journal have increased as well, but that may not be linked to it. Also, quite a few of you have put the details in their blips and even on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you all so much. As I type this, with four and a half days voting to go, and five and a half completed, I have 907 votes and my nearest competitor has 569 votes. I’ve watched too many football matches to know there is a long way to go and anything can happen!

Another thank you for the response to my train blip yesterday. One of you clever blippers, Lostpixel managed to work out with a bit of physics that the train was actually trundling out of the station !! I did congratulate them on their skill.

Today, I feel a bit blipless and I have been inspired by Lazooligirl to do a necessary and obvious blip of our cat Pepsi. If I had forgotten her in my journal, the family would have killed me. I think I may be a bit preoccupied!

None of us can remember how old she is, but we think 17 to 18 years. Shje is a bloody nuisance at times because when I’m outside, she wants to go everywhere with me. She always has done. Pepsi once went for a ride for an afternoon in the engine compartment of a friend’s Land Rover and was only discovered when they stopped to fill up! She was heard miaowing under the bonnet. Another friend once looked after her whilst we were away on holiday and promptly lost her. She was found months later in a front garden in Sheffield close to death. The vet wanted to put her down and I said no. We brought her home and nursed her back to full health. God only knows how many other times she has been out partying to the early hours and arrived home in a tangle!!

Just in case you are new to visiting my journal, and would like to see if you wanted to vote for me in the competition, click on the yellow link below, it will take you straight there. If you feel you can vote for me, click on “Love Me”.

Lake matheson, New Zealand

Thank you.

Thanks everyone, have a great weekend.

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