The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Attention! We're different!

During a workshop today, I was reminded of the many benefits that can be attributed to individual and diverse input and perspective.

The unique contribution of others is often what helps shape a collaborative future!

Did you know that each human cell contains 100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion atoms?

Mind blowing, right?

Interestingly, the number of cells in the human body is estimated to be about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell....all functioning slightly differently - but together - for a much higher purpose.

As a coach, it's vital that I recognise the differences in others.


Not always.

I can often see the way out for someone before they see it themselves - and sometimes it takes time for individuals to process and identify what they need on their own. The key for me is not to be impatient - not to become frustrated because someone works through things in a different way than I would.

Each of us has our own individual coding. We all have our own unique traits, character and personality.

We've also all been shaped by our environment, our childhood and our life experiences.

Next time you speak with someone, pause for a moment and consider those things which might have shaped and moulded their character over the years.

What past experiences might cause them to respond or react the way that they do?

What situations could they be facing in their lives right now that are chiselling out their uniqueness and strength of character?

There's a high chance that everyone you encounter is walking through the very stuff that makes them different from you.

.....and that's a good thing.

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