
By pose

I had a mass panic packing session. It wasn't enjoyable. I had to pack for 2 weeks, 2 weddings and a variation of weather and I hadn't done any washing. So I did that. Got a call from Phil saying we were leaving in 20 mins when I had only just started the packing.

Rob came round and we packed the car, waited for Phil to rush back from London, drove the wrong way when in a rush to get to Robs meeting, got stuck in traffic and eventually got there a few hours late. Phil and I had a drink in the garden and played the logo game waiting for Rob. Then we headed to Rora blasting out some epic Nickel creek tunes and singing our hearts out.

Got to Rora and there was more panic as they were rushing to make the puddings for the wedding so I joined in.

Eventually got back to Anna's and had a small catch up with Est before bed. It was like old Relay times sharing a room with her... we were excited.

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