
By Brotographer

The Ginger

Fourth black and white shot in a row, and despite Tom being a fiery redhead. Great face you're making bro.

Drizzle drizzle. Still a bit dazed and sleepy, made even worse by going to get three vaccinations done. All good at work though. Went for lunch with Liz, the new intern sitting at the desk next to mine. Too bad it's the last week already, we get along well, and the seven other weeks were kinda quiet.
Had my end-of-internship presentation in the afternoon which went quite well. Bigger turnout than I was expecting and I got some good feedback. Since it’s a new research area I’ve been working on, the team might expand on the work with other interns actually. If it’s deemed useful enough that is, but apparently there’s been industry interest, according to my boss!

Came home in the evening to be surprised by Shane, who’s down for a couple days! He had dinner plans already though, so Alex and me headed to Cricketers with Erin, Zhi and Tom (pictured). Second Wednesday in a row actually. Cricketer Wednesdays replacing Duke Mondays? It WAS suggested, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to justify the tripled price every week! Cricketers pub is definitely awesome though, all the more so because of the bar staff.
Took this photo on the way home via the river. We got to the church just as an ambulance was pulling up on three people literally passed out on one of the benches. A police officer nudged one of them and she straight up keeled over, bashing her head on the pavement. Sickening. They were clearly drugged on something. Just random happenings in Leam town.
That’s it for today. Back to the mainland this weekend, gonna be a smooth transition!


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