
By Angelique

"TIME IS ON OUR SIDE - YES IT IS" - Rolling Stones

Time is on our side, a hit many years ago by The Rolling Stones. And what has that got to do with today's blip?

I was in Matthew's room today getting his bed ready for his visit this weekend, when I noticed how his unusual clock reflects a lot of light. As you can see, it consists of a number of CD's. Thirteen in fact in a huge circle. Hope you like it!!

It was whilst in his room when I heard a familiar sound, echoing through the valley and immediately thought, 'Where's my camera'. But by the time I had found it in my handbag, the Chinnook had gone. It had flown so low right passed the bedoom window and would have been a fantastic blip. Oh darn it, I thought, or words to that effect!!!

So another busy day, Thursdays are always much harder because I have to achieve everything I would have done if I worked tomorrow. And I should have explained, yesterday's time sheets are not mine, but my boss' who enters specific codes for each job he does. My own time sheet is a doddle - just 3 hours/day under one code!!

So the weekend loometh - hooray. Matthew coming for a visit to Sidmouth and hopefully Redflash and Mr M coming for a bbq as they are in the area. And of course some Pimms, especially thinking of Mr Schorschi (George), and toasting his return to full health.

Thankyou for visiting and being part of my day. Stay healthy and until we 'speak' again.

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