"Taming the Jungle"

The Green Thumb Girl showed up at the door yesterday with arms full of flowers, which she proceeded to arrange in "Urnie" my big yellow ceramic vase. She said she had been pruning the "jungle" of her flower bed. I had just done the same thing, but my modest little arrangement didn't hold a candle to hers. I decided to take mine down the street and leave it on the doorstep of a neighbor who was recovering from a medical procedure.

The neighbor called today to say that she was fine and very relieved, and that my arrangement reminded her of her mother who loved zinnias. (She is from South Africa). Coincidentally, I had put her flowers in my mother's vase which always reminds me of her. Apparently our mothers were looking over our shoulders yesterday....

OilMan came home from work with "homework" yesterday, so while he worked on it today, I have used the opportunity to reclaim yesterday's lost day. Well, not really lost, just repurposed...It takes longer to remove beads from a beaded skirt than it did to put them on! Next I have to try and figure out what to do with the skirt and what to do with all those beads....

Thanks to all of you who liked my picture of garden goodies yesterday. Hope I'm not pushing my luck with another still life, but I can't take any credit for my daughter's handiwork...just wanted to show it off.

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