Transportation (The Triptych)

3 images from our quick geocaching trip after work and before doctor! I thought this made more interesting viewing than my filthy car! The majority of transportation on a Friday is by Shank's Pony so this seemed appropriate.

Stella was fascinated by this little bridge and determined not to stay the other side of it while I searched for (and found, 9 out of 9 yippee!) the cache.

The photos for Foto Friday have the themes of Water Landscapes and Art Nouveau this week.

& so, the doctor's appointment. He agreed I was right to stop the preventatives as the side effects were worse than the symptoms, he hasn't had any further correspondence from the hospital so is as in the dark as I am about my appointment next week. He suggested it may be just be a follow-up summary chat but didn't know why they sent the discharge letter if that was the case! We'll see. He said they'll be the best people to refer me for a scan if they're not satisfied with the chronic vestibular migraine diagnosis as it will happen quicker with an internal hospital referral than one through a GP. In the meantime I have a beta blocker to try, whose only side effects for me should be a slowed-down feeling and possible weird dreams, Both things I regularly deal with so should be a walk in the park!

Many thanks again for everyone's kind words and for putting up for my tardy commenting :) x

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