What You Wore

Day 10 of my August photo challenge...could have chosen my dog-walking jacket and muddy trainers but thought my arm adornments were nicer!

From left to right; the Carnelian "protects against bad vibrations, helps give a sense of humour, calms the temper," Black Dog Campaign bracelet from the SANE charity, pretty beads with cross (50p from the charity shop I volunteer in), seasickness band, blue beads with butterfly (a birthday gift from my cousin's kids). I love all of these for different reasons, and wear them all often, some wouldn't like the clashing colours and textures but I think they perfectly suit my migraine brain!

Day 1 of beta-blockers and nothing to report. Did my usual fortnightly farmers market trip but this time took Stella for a geocaching walkies on Ely Riverside too. Even though I was only out for a couple of hours instead of one, I was done in, had a dizzy spell before driving home and went to bed this afternoon. Big question to ask at hospital next week is whether I'll always need to limit my activities? At the moment if the headaches or dizzies don't get me, the fatigue does. But, if they tell me in no uncertain times that this is the way it's going to be I think I can learn my limits better. At the moment if I wake up feeling well I still have a tendency to do the activities I always would have. On a Saturday before this I'd have then driven over to my parents, gone to town with Mum or to the garden centre, taken Stella out again, watched a film...it's just not possible at the moment and, don't get me wrong, I love lazy days but it's not the same when it's not my choice that they happen!

Anyway, we found our geocache, gathered clues for a future find, took some photos and didn't get rained on so overall the day has been a success :)

Cathedral photos will be on Flickr later.

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