
By Beewriter

Your mission, should you decide to accept it... to help me find the source of the noise that keeps me awake all night.

Carole is being driven demented by a low frequency noise at night. There is a lot of work going on around Worsley, especially by United Utilities, so we set off to see if we could find the source. There are a few sites where Peel Holdings want to build hundreds of homes and they are, as most of us believe, preparing for the development before all the planning permission goes through. The official statement is that they are sorting inefficient sewers and avoiding blockages caused by the believes this though.

We climbed over fences, we entered sites (and were then ushered out), we hacked through brambles and we were watched by security men (well one security man called Suliman who wasn't very helpful). I said we were Cagney and Lacey...but Carole thought we were more Turner and Hooch. We accosted workmen and one nearly wet himself when Carole called out to him through the fence as we untangled ourselves from the bushes.

The noisy generators we found are all turned off at night, but we think the pump down on the linear walkway could be responsible. Environmental Health are also investigating so hopefully the cause will be found.

Before our investigation through the woods we went to the Trafford Centre. I took my dress to be altered ready for next week. I had to stand on a low table, that faced the large doorway, whilst the hem was pinned up and I felt a complete muppet as people walked past and gawped at me. The day wouldn't be right without a cuppa so we stopped off in M&S...we were good though as no cake was consumed today!

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