New Turf :)

Simon's brother was admitted to hospital with a terrible headache last night. After a CT scan, ECG and finally a lumbar puncture they have identified a bleed on the brain. We are just waiting on some more news - they said they would move him to the QE hospital Monday but we just heard it is going to be tomorrow instead.

We have put it down to him doing lots of work on his house - heavy grafting, digging the concrete kitchen floor up etc. Hopefully it is something that can be swiftly sorted. I am not googling it as Google is the work of the devil in medical matters. We have said we will have their kids tomorrow if they want but I think they have lots of willing people eg grandparents who want to keep them busy but the offer is there.

I am off to an outdoor cinema thing at Tamworth Castle tomorrow night with the girls, but will just have to see how things are tomorrow.

Just shows you never, ever know what is round the corner - life can throw these things at you. Surround yourself with the people who you love and who love you and make sure they know how much you care.

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."

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