
By EastTexasAngles

Too Close for Comfort

You don't want to see one of these trucks on your property because it means there is a forest fire going on -- but unfortunately that's exactly what happened this afternoon.

There was a point at which we thought we might lose one or more of our historic houses. Thank God that did not happen -- but we have lost some newly planted (last fall) seedlings -- a major financial setback -- but it could have been much, much worse!

I'm told the fire is fully contained so unless it flares up again tomorrow -- a low risk but still a possibility -- the worst is over. We had gotten a call early this afternoon that a neighbor was burning trash -- but now other stories/theories of how it started are surfacing.

I wasn't really scared -- but when I had to think about the (remote but real) possibility of evacuating, I realized I simply didn't have enough energy to do more than get my mother and the 5 dogs out -- and would have needed help with the eldest and heaviest.

In a situation like this, what is really important comes to the fore, but I was already too exhausted and stressed to be able to think about the "things" I'd want to save. It has certainly brought home the need to have a "fire plan".

Those who have commented that it must be nice to have family nearby -- this family is extended -- relatively distant cousins -- but it was some of them plus other non-kin neighbors who came to our assistance this afternoon -- and so, yes! We are indeed VERY fortunate to have them. If not for them, it would have been much, much, worse!

We ended up with a B&B guest for tonight and were busy getting the house ready and probably wouldn't have been paying attention to the smokey sky if someone hadn't called about it , another hadn't gone to investigate and a third called the Fire Department. Tonight, we are indeed very grateful for our neighbors!

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