Now Approaching Dundee

Well not really as it was a static old fashioned coach that is joined on to a resteraunt near Dundee as I had a couple hours to pass away for my next drive back to Edinburgh so I had a daunder along the promenade at Dundee westbound under the Tay Rail Bridge and came across the The Bridgeview Resteraunt looking quite splendid and these happy diners errr well they are not real diners just stencils as the real diners are in the main building quaffing there dinner down whilst I had my homemade mince and tatties with crusty bread in the messroom and it was rather tasty I'm glad I went to the bathroom after my dinner as they had run out of loo roll and someone had blocked it with blue paper towels and it was totally choked to the gunnels along with some mighty pebble dashing urrgggghhhhh so it was time to head for some good sea air and a stroll to get this blip for the night movie for the day is "Return Of The Clogg 2012" See Ya

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