Farewell to Nantes

So it's farewell to Nantes and the 75thSemaine Federale.
We are all packed and ready to cycle to find our Yorkshire Bikeliner bus.

It's been a wonderful week, sunny and warm with little wind and only a few hours of rain on Thursday.
We are both much fitter, if not lighter, than when we arrived last Saturday, and surprised that we found the cycling not nearly as onerous as we had feared.
We have cycled every day bar one and enjoyed the company of friends on the way.
We have not felt the fattest or the oddest couple in our revealing Lycra, and sometimes we have even been colour coordinated.

Last night we ate a 4 course meal with unlimited wine in the company of 1000+ people, sitting at long tables of 24.
The noise was deafening as people spoke across tables and an accordion playing cyclist regaled us with music. It reached even higher decibels when the dance band struck up.
We danced, yes even His Lordship managed to shake a leg although he had to have several glasses of wine to accomplish that feat. He's not admitting to a sore head this morning, but I suspect he is not firing on all four cylinders and has eaten sparingly at breakfast.

A bus journey to Ouistreham, an overnight ferry crossing to Portsmouth, a bus ride to Hull, a car journey to Edinburgh and we'll be home tomorrow evening all being well.
Au Revoir until then.

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