
By LindaCh

Big sky - lots of cloud action

I have mentioned before my love of big skies with lots of cloud action.

This love was one of the reasons why we moved to this house almost 4 years ago (our retirement house, although years to go yet before I get to spend every day doing what I want to do ahhhhh.

In the foreground you can see the top of a lovely old church and its equally lovely vicarage for which our lane is named after 'Church View'.

Perched high up on the side of a hill on the edge of an old industrial village in North Wales, it provides us with stunning constantly changing land and sky scape's every day, whatever the weather.

Our bedroom faces this small section of our very wide view and the first thing I do every single day is look out at the sky - no need for curtains or blinds at any of the windows, although the sun in my eyes at 5 am has been an unwanted early morning call a few times this summer.

Due to sunshine and fairly high winds the view has been quite changeable, dramatic yet very beautiful today, so it just had to be todays blip.

We wondered when we moved here if there would come a time when we didn't bother looking or didn't notice anymore - but I don't believe that will ever happen.

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