
By lloydimus

Alphabet Challenge - H is for Hard (Work)

Hey guys, I'm sorry I can't follow up my recent glamourous photos of Emily, Florida and Gaming, I'm limited to only two places in which I currently work, and I have already Blipped about one of those (being the Artramont Arms)!

The picture you see here is the side of CK's Supermarket in St. David's, the door to the left of the wall that you see is the entrance to the bakery, which is where I am currently working during the Summer. I have to say that working in a supermarket bakery is not the best - but it's good experience and it's money in my packet which is always nice! The work isn't just hard, it's also extremely constant, the only break I get is a scheduled 30-minute break during each shift!

Hope you're having a wonderful day if you're reading this, thank you! :)

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