Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Faded but still glorious

So many options today, but I decided to go with a rather simple shot of P-Hummie perched on a stem in the flower garden. You can see that his fine red gorget has lost a few of it's iridescent feathers and the first signs of molt are showing on his belly. But the gleam of a fighter is still in his eye and he takes no guff from any of the other hummers in the garden. He is the size of my thumb, but his heart is larger than a lion's. In a month, he'll probably be gone, headed on his solo journey to Mexico - and already I miss him.

And look who I blipped Last Year!?

I had three rather exciting visitors in the yard today - a Black & White Warbler, an Ovenbird, and an American Redstart. All are warblers and probably all juveniles, getting ready for their own migration. This seems to be the time of year that I start seeing more warblers around our property which is always very fun. I didn't get good shots of the redstart or the b/w warbler, but did get some decent ones of the ovenbird, which are posted along with 8 of my favorite shots from today on Flickr, starting HERE. . A few more hummers and some butterflies and other insects included.

Glad you enjoyed the Snowberry Clearwing yesterday - they really are spectacular moths and well worth trying to find. They are very fond of buddleia and bee balm, for you gardeners out there.

Hubs and I are off to the fairgrounds tonight to pick up my two photo entries - the fair finishes its 10-day run at 5 PM today. This gives me a full year to plan what I want to enter next year...

I'm heading into NYC tomorrow, so not sure if I'll blip before I leave or leave it until tomorrow night. Probably the former...


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