Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

It's snowing!

Okay, the title is a stretch - but this is a Snowberry Clearwing Moth (Hemaris diffinis), one of two species of clearwings that we have in northern NJ. I see the hummingbird clearwings much more frequently than this slightly smaller snowberries, so it had to be the pick today. It was either this or an Autumn Meadowhawk...or a hummingbird ...or a spider ... yes, it was one of those days.

After several days of rain, the day broke sunny and lovely. Hubs is working on the race car (big race next weekend) so I pottered around the yard and patio, camera in hand. I posted the other five "keeper" shots from today HERE on Flickr if you'd like to have a look. Includes a hummingbird sticking her tongue out at me - some nerve!

We're heading across the Lane tonight to have dinner with our neighbors - always a good time with lots of wine, good food, and laughs.

I've embarked on a long-overdue sorting out of my photos. I decided to start with the thousands of bird photos - I've completed all species through the letter G. Unfortunately, "H" is next ... hummingbirds. That is going to be a monster file to sort out as I've taken thousands of shots of hummers over the last 3 years. And even though I edit and delete several times before I file images, I still need to get rid of many, many more. The upside is that it is nice to see how my photography skills have improved over the last few years. Yea, that's what I'm telling myself...

Thank you for the hearts, stars and comments on yesterday's tiger swallowtails - reading the comments always makes me smile and feel warm and fuzzy. Thank you.


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