
By BryanImagining

Ten Feet Tall

We grew this sunflower with a dozen of its brothers from seed we bought in the mom and pop feed store over the winter. They're called Giant Sunflower. We laughed, because they were scrawny for so long (only 5 made it in the wild along the garden fence.)

Well, look at em now! Estimating from my 4 foot garden fence, this one is nearly ten feet tall. in the fading sunset light I stood under it to capture the first glimpse of the sunflower bud. It wasn't there earlier this week.

As I was waiting for the right lighting, a chickadee braved the feeder wire behind me. I caught him contemplating a dive into the woodpecker home. They're the only ones small and brave enough to climb inside to feed.

I came back inside and Mojo gave me his curious look. I couldn't resist!

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