jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Envious of shots of other children running through fields of wheat or behind leek flowers or among various pretty foliage, I spotted this patch of poppies at the PYO farm and persuaded my children to climb into the field. They were very good sports really. Then this happened. I didn't get any perfect shots of my darlings just peeping out over the top. I got my Bean, gurning.

Church this morning, leading the creche team, glad I managed to remember both tea towel and bananas, thankfully easy morning (grateful for team members who knew what they were doing and just got on with it lol!). Steve chatting for Britain afterwards so Bear and I walked home without him or Bean, who was far too busy playing.

Bear slept and slept when we got home. Long enough for lunch and then some. And then we headed out to the PYO farm for a handful of veggies for tea.

I think PYO farms ought to be a staple of the British landscape. Along with allotmemts for those that have the time to grow their own. PYO farms are fanastic - if you can get to them! But our local one, in terms of money saved, the cost of the diesel to get there is far outweighed by the savings made on produce compared to the supermarket. Plus you get fresh air, a good walk, tractor rides and the thrill of hunting down and seeking out and digging up your veg. Hugely satisfying.

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