
By wingpig

no cardigans are kept on the premises overnight

The fast-latening Onset of Night is temporarily defeated by being Off Tomorrow, permitting hours-of-darkness photography. Just as I was popping out for this repeat-shot-of-previous-spare-blip-of-the-back-of-a-charity-shop three fire appliances and a ladder unit honked past the front window and swarmed up Gilmour Street. A few firepersons popped into the same block from which the gable end was blown in the high winds a year or two ago but they had mostly all driven away when I walked past again a few minutes later. I suppose I could have photographed them (or possibly the people watching the flickery blue light show from inside the potentially burning building) but I had my mind set and would only have ended up sitting here for ages dithering over even more pictures whereas I took three picturs of the door/bin and used the third which I knew I'd use anyway which was why it was the third and not the first two. There were already a few spares from this afternoon but I'll keep them for a rainy day.


...maybe not that or that as there wouldn't be much to see if the shadows weren't there.

I'll have to try and get my post in early tomorrow morning so that I can relax and maybe go somewhere without my camera in the afternoon and not have to wade through a couple of gigabytes' worth of images in the evening. An intriguing idea. Perhaps I could even make an habit of it. I'll have to adjust my behaviour next week anyway as I am being moved at work to a position where more managers can see my monitor than at present so I'll have to make more time in the evening for commenting. I used to have my back to a cupboard and a full view of most people except those who had just been to the printer. From Monday I'll be facing a blank, grey wall and will have two managers facing in my direction a couple of rows south. Luckily I'll only be a couple of desks from the window as compensation.

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