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Surgery put off again today as all 100 beds in the HDU are filled and he will need to be in there for 24 hours after surgery. So, once again, fingers crossed for tomorrow - third time lucky. And at least surgery wasn't done on the 13th too!

Midwife was all good. I've asked about changing hospitals for the birth. Not because there is anything wrong with Good Hope but just because as near to us is a midwife led unit that looks fab. You get your own suite with a birthing pool - only two rooms so you are one to one with your own midwife. There are no doctors so if there are issues I'd be transferred - but I'm pretty chilled about it all, as the midwife said, I'm young, fit and healthy. I was thinking of not even going to any labour classes - is that too chilled?!? I don't know. All I know is, I've never done this birthing thing before and the midwives know what they are doing so ill do as I'm told! Anyhow we are going to have a look around and I can decide by 37 weeks which is 3 weeks away.

Baby cooking away nicely, growing slightly above average and the heart beat is strong - different midwife today and she says it sounds like a boys heart beat too (boys sound like steam trains and girls sound like galloping horses apparently!)

Tonight, rather than going to the hospital we had Verne, Simons nephew. He went to work with Si and his dad today - 11 years old and I think Simon wants to start him early to pass the business onto him :)

Anyway we took him out for dinner and then he farted in the car all the way home! Boys eh!!!!

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