
By scribbler

The Creator's Hand II

Margie with the latest chapter of her novel.
(SOOC with iPhoto Vignette.)

Kendall and I belong to a wonderful writing group.
I'm the newcomer, having joined almost 2 years ago.
Every woman in the group is special in a different way.

Margie, about whom Kendall wrote beautifully in today's blip, is an example to me of courage, wisdom, and beauty. She is fully alive and wonderfully creative. Although she has much to offer from her life's experience, she is not done learning and is an eager student. Here are her hands resting on a draft of her new chapter. I brought four new pages to read today; Margie brought seven!

She writes on an iPad and does email on an iPhone. She is one cool lady.

COOL: DDW August challenge

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