
By Combi31


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My intuition tells me that this is a green grasshopper, but it may have some fancy name - oh gawd, I'm so amateur ... in my new insect book - get your order in early for Christmas kids - it is called a 'Pistachio jump about a bit'.

So, the plan is working - sort of - thus far ... I set my alarm for 0630 and snoozed it until 0830, it just feels that I'm getting away with something, that's all - then out with the dogs to the lakes.

As I have discovered before, Jack Russells and animal photography don't always mix too well, and Scooby, the Belgian Shepherd cross Beauceron has also decided that he is no longer a herding dog, but some kind of hunting dog and they were tearing through the forest, swimming in the lakes and generally looking like they were on the trails of something all morning.

The upshot is that we saw no animals (happily), but I was a bit nervous that they may start up a wild boar or come nose to nose with the coypus - they didn't though.

I also had the foresight (unusual for me) to bring my macro lens along and had a great time scrabbling about in the undergrowth taking shots of insects - whilst the dogs rolled their eyes and sighed.

The next part of the plan is to get some work done - I have some marking to do as part of my job is to train EFL teachers (English as a foreign Language), so I have some assignments to mark then off to do some work on the combi, and who knows, maybe a little trip out at the end of the afternoon ... just to test things out you understand.

It's a beautiful day, probably going to get to around 30°c ish, but with a light breeze - perfect weather for anything.

I hope you have a lovely Wodin's day ...

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