Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

An alternative to Ryanair

If only it was possible. I see Ryanair as a necessary evil to get down to the South of France each year to see Matthew. This year of course we drove, but that involved 4 days of driving. It was nice to get the chance to see other places on route, e.g. Troyes but I think I would rather have the days back and put up with Ryanair. Also, putting 2,500 miles on the car was probably not ideal either.

Speaking of Ryanair, if you haven't seen this video, you should take a look. It's a good laugh.

Back on the scales this morning. all 4 pounds are off. If I can shed a couple more, I can really pig out in Germany, or better still, Luxembourg where they serve French quality food with German sized portions. Fantastic.

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