Do you get it?

Saw this quote on the internet the other day. Its meaning was immediately obvious to me and struck a chord as I believe I am very much in touch with my inner child and grateful for it. Showed this picture to Diana and she just doesn't get it. I'm leaving her to puzzle it out. It may take a while and it leaves me wondering if the key to getting it is living it?

Got this picture on the 2nd take. Good job as the mind may be young, but the body is clearly less so. Even doing a swallow dive onto a bed hurts at my age. Goodness only knows how rugby players do this onto the hard ground.

Note: Sorry about the heavy processing but I had to do something to hide the mess that is Diana's side of the bedroom. My side of course is a model of tidiness and minimalism, but I couldn't shoot the picture in that direction because of the light coming through the window; would have overexposed the shot, or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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