A ray of hope

Or two rays even.

Mags was released from hospital yesterday after almost a month of being poked and prodded and prepped for tests and operations which were all called off at the last minute.

You may recall that the first operation to replace a heart valve was called off when she ate a breakfast given to her by the hospital when she should have been 'nil by mouth'. The family were angry at the time, but it transpires that this little slip up may have saved her life as further tests have revealed other issues with her heart that raised the risk of surgery to such an extent that they will no longer go ahead (only a 20% chance of coming through). Instead, they will manage her condition with diet and medication. Long term prognosis is clearly not as good as with a heart valve replacement, but short term, she is in a much better position now.

Some things happen for a reason it seems.

Oh, and I must ditch that hat. Makes me look like Cletus the slack jawed yokel.

An oh again - just a heads up that I have posted details of a September Technique Challenge. Less demanding than the last one back in February so I'm hoping to attract a few more participants.

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