Life is better ....

in flip flops.

My footwear of choice around the house. When I produced this picture, a memory came back to me from my childhood. The local swimming pool used to have a sign for 'slipper baths'. I can always remember being curious as to what a 'slipper bath' was and no one was ever able to tell me. The most obscure explanation was not that it involved slippers lounging in a pool of warm water but that it was something specific that pandered to the customs of the local Asian community who apparently couldn't or wouldn't use the regular pool. Oh how ignorant people were in those days.

Anyway, I could Google it but I thought it would be more interesting to see if anyone here can enlighten me, so off you go - educate me on the subject of slipper baths or amuse me with irrational possibilities.

Back to the bedroom today. Hoping to break the back of the paintwork.

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