Bit of a one trick pony

Traidcraft import other things besides sugar, coffee and chocolate and I have an instruction to do some more recipes with quinoa to go in the book. It's a bit of a dull one trick pony thing to cook with tbh. I'd already done a tabbouleh-style salad, which is pretty much all you see when you google quinoa recipes...

So I cooked some this afternoon (in between guiding people around the house) and made two types of stuffing to go in a pepper. One uses a pesto made using their walnuts, Brazil nuts and olive oil, the other has olives, onion, Feta, lemon zest and chilli etc. They are surprisingly tasty although not hugely photogenic.

There was also a request for more pasta and curry recipes. So with that in mind I have a cauliflower cheese and onion pasta bake in the Aga and plan on doing the old fashioned beef curry I mentioned tomorrow.

The house viewings went well enough, as these things usually do. Everyone liked it, everyone commented on the size of the house and the amount of work required. So who knows.

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