living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Today's photo challenge topic was graffiti, which gave me a great excuse to get downtown to check out Freak Alley, as I've been wanting to since we got here. Freak Alley is an alley devoted to local artists to do with as they please. They painted it all up about a week ago (it's changed yearly I think) and, sadly, I missed it! It would have been great to watch the artists at work. Here is another part of the Freak Alley art. I love how the sign is utilized. Part of it is real, part painted.

I do love downtown Boise. The vibe is just so different from the rest of Boise. So much more culture.... just the feeling is wonderful, I can't describe it right now so I've resorted to cheesy adjectives, sorry. I used to live in the downtown area for a few years before I left Boise and I did really love it, in ways I really miss it!

On our walk around we saw this! It really exists! Why? I don't know but I guess there was some gap in the market for a bike bar and, by heck, it's green.

We also spent some time shopping and supping with my grandparents. Lovely day all around!

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