living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


For the photo challenge, here are two cute and squidgy baby bodies (both pretending to be animals)! One getting less squidgy by the day. *sob* But he still counts, surely!

Another very full day today! We went to the fair with my dad. It was the first time the kids had been on any rides, ever, and Chickpea was very excited about the whole thing. The only exposure she's really had to fair rides was in one of her "Charlie and Lola" books so she was adamant that she wanted to go on the Chug-a-bugs ride. Surprisingly, this fair didn't have a Chug-a-bugs ride so we tried to find the next best thing. She started out with a train ride and Monkey and I got to go as well. Then she was feeling braver and went on a dragon roller coaster by herself! She was flitting between smiling and looking terrified the whole time but in the end she said it was a bit scary so she went on the spinning swings twice, once with me and once with the Mr.

In the evening we went to my brother, Kris' house for a barbecue. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins and splashing in the pool and we had a nice time catching up, as well.

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