Special Olympics Team North west

Well a few of the guys from the North West regional team competing in the Special Olympics here in Leicestershire.
The learning difficulties of these athletes range from mild to severe...they are probably more competetive than some able bodied athletes and they`re so friendly to every one they meet.
I`m working at the Walkers this week running the kiosk so I`m seeing most of them every night. They now know my name and shout `Hi Val` to me when they come back for their evening meal after competing for the day.
One young man won a gold medal in the cycling today, and after showing it to me raced off to show his team mates before I could get chance to take a photo of him with it. Another guy with tunnel vision, impaired hearing and a stent in his brain won a bronze in the table tennis and he was just so laid back about it, he was amazing.
They are truley inspirational people

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