A Dog's Dinner

By G

I Don't Believe it!

No big reason for this, I just like the bold graphic quality of it and today....well a good work day all in all.

Although, the consensus seems to be that I have become a reincarnation of Victor Meldrew.

The conversation went something like this. I phoned the bus company to find out the new times. My route to the office has been taken over by a new company and contrary to expectations the service is actually better.

'..and I would like to congratulate the driver on the route. He's been very kind to the pensioners who get on in the morning.....'

......not that I'm one of those!'

Loud uproarious and guffawing laughter from the studio.

...and Bella came round tonight which gave me the opportunity to wear her pyjamas on my head - very satisfying.

Well maybe the image does match the day after all.

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