
By MaryannA

Over the Top!

O is for Over the Top! Trying to combine my blipping while engaging with my grandson was my challenge for today. I went out this morning while he was still asleep and got some shots of the new house going up in the lot next door. I took one into the bright sky and liked the almost ominous look it had. Men were working and walking about the structure. When my grandson got up, I wanted to get him involved a bit so I had him pose like he was walking on a tightrope. After several pose, the one with his hands in his pocket fit the the scene best. I photoshopped the image in and then repeated it as if they are walking across the top of the roof. Well, it was a very fine day as we continue to discover all the similarities we share creatively such as art, photography and poetry.

The weather was Over the top wonderful today andI feel On top of the word!

over the top

1. Fig. having gained more than one's goal. Our fund-raising campaign went over the top by $3,000. We didn't go over the top. We didn't even get half of what we set out to collect.

2. Fig. outrageously overdone. The comedy sketch was so over-the-top that most of the audience was embarrassed.

See also: top

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