Light on Water

The Carpet Saga entered the final countdown today as The Bossess rebuilt the spare room and planned THE BIGGIE of carpeting her office . She has organised this to possibly happen while she is playing away. This is another “wether” decision where an old sheep will ultimately decide if the layer man lays or skis. The Boss reports that he is seriously compromised in this area.
Apologies for the lack of comments and LOUD barks for your support in the absenteeism of my paws on the keyboard but the state of play has simply not factored in Blip time. I do have to report that The Boss did actually sit down with his iPad with good intentions and promptly went to sleep. He also managed to damage himself again today when he tried to save time by putting a step ladder away in the garage without turning the light on. This damage was a dog level so I was offended when he declined intensive K9 treatment in favour of sticky pads applied by The Bossess.
They just don’t make Boss’s like they used to I guess.

Important supplementary info…We, The Boss, The Bossess and ME all read
(mostly at breakfast) every comment you make so don’t ever feel unwanted.

This shot was quite late in the day as The Boss gave me a guided tour around the Rippon Vineyard to free up seized body bits. The day started DFO (Dull Flat and Orrible) but ended on a hi note with this shot from The Boss’s iPhone. The Vineyard is in “Winter” mode but there are signs of Spring showing elsewhere so stay tuned.

Check out Ruby Island

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