
By SweetArt

Happy Valley

We were invited to a friend's pre-wedding BBQ. Wedding's in October.

Darek and Dorothy are doing it the old-fashioned way. Quite refreshing really! They've bought this apartment in Happy Valley where she already lives and he'll move here after the wedding. This view of Happy Valley and the Hong Stadium was amazing. Felt like a bird watching down on everything. Here's another view, LOL!!! Goodness, I can imagine they would be able to watch the crowds gathering for the 7s ... I wonder if it would be loud?

They had bought a brand new BBQ and Martin was eyeing it up. We so miss being able to cook on the barbie. Anyway, after watching Darek struggling with it, Martin stepped in and did the most amazing job with the cooking. Received lots of compliments, and was really chuffed. You can rely on an Aussie to be able to BBQ, no worries mate!!!

Have an annoying tickly throat and cough, me no happy :(

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