Walking on Water

With His Lordship being a typical older man and anxious to prove that the magnificent total of years he will notch up next Sunday is no bar to his physical prowess, we took the car with its trip meter to map out a bike route which would match miles with his years.

Because he might be away for some time, I am going to accompany him on part of his route, but being, as I like to think, considerably younger, I see no reason to notch up more miles than is necessary, so will stop at 60.

Today we ended up eventually at North Berwick for the licking of the traditional 99 ice cream cone while sitting on the sea wall.
Across the water, the guano on the Bass Rock caught a glint of sun before all was obscured by a short sharp shower, and shelter was sought in the Bird Centre.

Only in Britain would such a day of wind and showers winkle out families in anoraks braving the beach with sand blown into sandwiches and shivering children wrapped in towels and blankets.
All part and parcel of a Scottish summer.

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