Up the Creek without a Paddle-a salutary lesson.

Serves me right for being stupid.
All the wonderful photos of Newhaven and the grandeur of the Chancelot flour mill against an interestingly cloud studded blue sky which I took this morning on our route march from Tiso's in Leith to GoOutdoors at Granton have disappeared like snow off a dyke from my SD card after it told me the memory was full.

Whither they went I know not, as I was able to look at some of them on the bus home. The upshot is of course that I have to provide you with a blip of a past-it's-sell-by-date Arthurian flower, which I have cut off for the occasion since it looked rather poorly anyway amongst its healthy siblings.

I was given this plant a year ago by His Lordship's cousin, and it has added colour and foliage for all that time to my window sill, surviving loneliness and a certain amount of neglect while we were away on holiday, but continuing to produce beautifully exotic red flowers. The odd drink of BabyBio seems to provide it with a bit if get up and go, although I think it could now do with a bigger pot.

The moral of this tale is, never assume a 16GB SD card has as much memory as you imagine and don't be so lazy as never to erase photos already downloaded.

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