At The Movies

Today, we are at the New Jersey Motorsports Park for another weekend of racing.

We are camping here in the infield in our motor home, and -- as is the norm for such venues -- the TV reception is less than optimal.  Thank heavens for the DVD player!

I admit that I set this shot up purely for today's photograph, but it pretty accurately depicts an average evening's entertainment whilst on the race circuit!  Here we are, snuggled up with a bowl of microwave popcorn ("Movie Theater Butter" flavour!), and one of our all time favourite movies, Best In Show.

I'm pretty sure we've watched this movie at least fifty times, but every time we see it we howl with laughter, and I can recite almost the whole script by heart!  From our experiences at Madison Square Garden's Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, I suspect that Best In Show is not terribly far from the truth!

For the record, here are some of my other favourite movies:

Doctor Zhivago
Auntie Mame
(the Rosalind Russell version)
Little Big Man
Lawrence of Arabia
Gone With The Wind
Life of Pi

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