Dougal - Wearing his Cross Face

Dougal to me - ‘No I am not going to pose nicely, you have been out all day and me and Florence have only just been allowed out and it is almost tea-time'.

Tests today at Addenbrookes and these were a repeat of some carried out, they said, about a year ago, but I seem to think they were done in February this year. However, it seems there is very little change in the results from last time although the doctor agreed that clearly something was going on. He was told that Dr Brierley was concerned about him and these results, along with those of the MRI, which is scheduled for the twenty-first, will go to Dr Brierley who will review him; we do not have an appointment with her yet and I expect that will be another wait of six weeks!

The Entonox worked reasonably well and he was able to sit in the car, although in some discomfort; after the tests he was not in a very good state. After a cup of tea and some more Morphine he decided that as the effort had been made to go out he wanted to go to Scotsdales Garden Centre. We had lunch there and he was able to sit down to eat it and chat to a friend who works there before coming home.

Until the Grumpy Old Git is feeling better I am updating his journal with words and pictures to produce a record and to inform anyone who is interested in his progress.

Susan - Arkensiel

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