"Illustrated - in 1895"

...It's Sunday today - and for a change I thought I'd show you this dear little Book...To view the picture better it looks better in LARGE..

..It's called 'The Illustrated New Testament'- and isn't in very good condition - but then - it went along with my maternal Grandfather to the First World War; it went to France and all over, he was in the Medical Corp. and so he got about a bit, together with his little New Testament..I'm sure it would have been of some comfort to him as well as to others of that time as well..

...The little Book was printed in Glasgow by Gowans & Gray in 1895 as you can see, under licence .."In terms of Her Majesty's Letters Patent to Her Printers for Scotland and of the Instructions issued by her Majesty in Council in July, 1839, etc., etc..."

...Inside, together with print ofcourse - there are beautiful little pictures of : Bethlehem, Chorazin, Magdala, Caesarea Philippi, Jerusalem (from the Mount of Olives), Gethsamane's probable site, A Carpenter's Shop in Nazareth, The Pool Of Siloam,Pergamos, Thyatira, Laodecea, and many other places in Israel I guess, which I've never even heard of..I wonder if it is still the same there?...

...And the Little Cross - well, that has a little Fishing Boat on it probably on the River Jordan, and as well, the Dove of Peace - and possibly from a card from many years ago..that was inside the little Book..

...The lovely little Comforting Verse you see here too - has been from a card printed in England around 100 yrs ago, and was "Adapted from the blessing of a sick person" it tells us. Sweet Comforting Words, I think, don't you?..

...I know these items are rather old, but quite precious really, I have a few more of his little Books, one is a Dictionary - so that he could understand French-English, English-French..they may have been Issue for the Soldiers..who knows?

...A handsome man who survived the War, went with his Son - they both put their ages Down and Up, he only to die at the age of 50 of blood poisoning upon return..
His son, my Uncle, died during the 2nd W.W. he put his age Up then, - and died aged 45 at Sandakan...I think of them both often, in fact - I carry part of my Uncle's name..

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