
Many north Edinburgh residents will have noticed the 'improvements' going on at the Cannonmills Tesco. These include, for example, resurfacing the car park, but failing to remove any loose chippings so that the surface is - certainly for trolleys - a lot worse than it was.

But the prize for the worst thought out 'improvements' had to go to the decision to place an enormous 'HELLO' sign right where the cyclists came on and off the adjacent cycle path. I was glad to see today that it has gone. It's certainly generated quite a lot of brouhaha, and rightly so as I could see it causing an accident and I was rather glad that I hadn't visited Tescos on the bike whilst it was in place. I see, however, that they haven't removed the smaller 'pannier-bashing' sign which is almost as irritating as if not so downright dangerous as the other one. They also haven't improved the rubbish, outdated and inadequate cycle parking which remarkable because pretty much everything else has had a makeover.

As you can see from the comments after this initial post the initial reactions from Tesco were slow and cumbersome, although in the end it appears that someone dug out the plans and demonstrated that the sign was put in the wrong place and it should have been further up the hill (which is where it is now). I hope that the slow reaction to this dangerous fixture didn't cause an accident, but I wouldn't have been surprised if it had done. Have a look at the visibility that was left to the arriving cyclist on this picture. Muppets.

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