
By EastTexasAngles

"Ten Commandments Sky"

This sky and cloud formation reminded me of those classic, dramatic movies where G-d speaks from the sky.

The Olympus is still pretty awesome but not as perfect as I thought. Some shots are amazing, but some are just terrible. I think a big difference between it and the similar Samsung is that the Samsung has no Image Stabilization. My hands shake and I often can't or don't use a tripod. I simply cannot get clear, sharp photos with it -- except once in a while. And when they are good, they are very, very good. (This one of the sky is Olympus.)

I'm wondering, since this Olympus helps my hand shake so much, if the OM-D would be even better. Or, of course, the EP-5. I am sure they would be *better* -- but ENOUGH better?? I don't think I am a good enough photographer to justify the expense for what is really just a fun hobby. But I can't get the idea out of my mind ....

In terms of ergonomics and ease of use, the Samsung has the edge but I am going to return it.

It is just so hard to KNOW without trying and there are NO local camera stores or anyplace that carries these cameras.

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