
By EastTexasAngles

Over the Top Cuteness in a Cow?

Tonight was a bonanza. This spotted cow and a brown spotted calf, both spotted while eating their supper. The comic donkey who guards them. The cattle egrets who follow them and keep fleas, ticks and mosquitos away. This is the first time I managed to capture the egrets. Then, on the way home, the lovely Daughter of Black Beauty stood still while I sang to her. And when I arrived home, there was another tiny and very beautiful new Betty Pryor bloom.

But you've seen the rosebuds and the deer lately, the donkey is usually around and the egrets still are presenting a challenge. And so I give you -- The Cow of Total Cuteness!

All these photos tonight were ate with a Sony super zoom -- and I found I was very satisfied with them. So, I ordered a higher end Four Thirds type Olympus -- thanks, Shiv!!!! But I'm thinking it may be overkill. We'll see. If the IS is good enough to stop my hand shaking in its tracks -- it will be well worth it. If it stays, I will have to sell a lot of other kit to make it work.

Mom suffered through physical therapy today -- she was in more pain than usual. Afterwards, we ate out and then came home and she went to bed. Emerged feeling good an hour or so later so we went back out shopping -- her first time in the grocery store for several months. She's getting there, slowly. In two weeks, it will be Labor Day and we have guests scheduled from way back. After that, all Mom's clubs and civic groups start again after the summer hiatus.

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