Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Quiet house

The house has a strange quiet about it today! The grandchildren left this morning. In this shot H has his head in the Ipad and A has decided it would be interesting to roll her green jelly string on her cheeks. Learning by experimentation!

Otherwise I had a bit of a frustrating time trying to process a claim with La Caisse Primaire de Maladie. The conversation went something like this.

I explain the situation as best as possible in my imperfect French.

She replies she cannot help because she does not have my documents under her nose.

I say I have never had any problems with payments before. Why are all my documents being returned to England? Why am I being asked for information I have just supplied?

She says she does not have my file under her nose! She then says I am being rude for interrupting her.

I try to speak but she interrupts me time and again. I suggest it is her who is being rude.

She suggests I take the train to Perpignan.

I explain that is an hour away.

She refuses to let me speak to anyone else. She refuses to give me her name. She puts the phone down on me!!

I phoned the English speaking national line and they were a bit more helpful. They said they would try to get more information and get back to me.

The steam has now stopped coming out of my ears.

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