
By Angelique


The photo was taken along the narrow lane that runs in front of the Princes Hall Manorhouse Hotel where we stayed at the weekend. To the left of the photo you can see a long line of trees which marks the long driveway to the remote Hotel.

As it specialises in catering for dogs as well as humans, we met a number of 'mans best friend'. Steeped in history having entertained Edward and Mrs Simpson on one occassion and 42 Arab horses that they hid away from sight. Well you would, wouldn't you. And at one time it was owned by Lord and Lady Astor. It only has 8 bedrooms so is quite cosy.

Today, back to work, the usual and this afternoon collected the cats, Jazz and Sassie from the cattery. They had to be encouraged out of their pen and didn't seem too bothered about coming home.

Phoebe has missed them and not necessarily for good reasons!! The sun has shone and looks set to continue for a few days yet. Hope your day has been positive and full of light, love and laughter. Sleep well and until we 'meet' again.

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