
By MaryannA

Release, Root, Recycle!

R is for Root!
The dandelion is nature's Recycling process in action. When the yellow flower turns to white fuzz, with a Rustling breeze, the seeds on the fuzz are Released into the air and where they touch the earth, the seeds will take Root again! Thus starting the cycle again!
I took tis photo this morning. Later in the day, the fuzz was blown away!

The part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant.

1.Cause (a plant or cutting) to grow roots.
2.(of an animal) Turn up the ground with its snout in search of food.

radical - origin - radix - source - base - race

Today was a warm and shightly humid day. Promises of higher temps later in the week. It was a day of Reviewing a lot of things around the house and giving special items away to family members as I prepare to pack up and move from here.

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