
By MaryannA

Sensational Sixties, Seventies, Sexual Revolution!

S is for...
So long ago, yet seems like yesterday. When I walked into this dark and dramatic exhibit, I actually got emotional and it moved me to tears. This exhibit is at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston where I took my grandson when we went into Boston today.

In 1965, I was 16 years old and all this was in my future... Now it is a museum exhibit and it is a reflection of "my history"... and I lived it and I loved it. Such a time it was. I am so happy to see such a tribute to an era that changed and revolutionized time forever.


1.(of an event, a person, or a piece of information) Causing great public interest and excitement: "a sensational murder trial".
2.(of an account or a publication) Presenting information in a way that is intended to provoke public interest and excitement, at the...

thrilling - lurid

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