Food Forest

I used to really struggle to find a blip for Monday but since the Great Filterama Challenge, Monday has turned into Funday. Thanks so much for sending my grotesque cup of coffee into the spotlight where he remained for the best part of the day. It's interesting to see that at least three images from the Challenge were in the spotlight - Hobbs and Riversider must be pleased.

(Note to Hobbs and Riversider - please extend the challenge by just a couple of weeks - a few people have commented to me that they'd like to join in - please, please please).

I just said to a Blip friend of mine that Tuesdays is the new Monday for Blip. And so it is. Because I am now at a bit of a loss for Tuesdays.

Today was made rather easier by the fact the the triffid echium in the front garden is in full flower, and the honeyeaters dodge the bees and manage to get a bit of a feed now and then, especially late in the afternoon when bee activity is dying down.

I was only a couple of metres away from this little chap, and honestly, the focus is so good I was going to crop in tight on him - but I love the context of his feeding frenzy, so only a very light crop, and everything else is SOOC.


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