Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Faces of Fiona #87

The other girl of this girls' week. Liked the light here as she was playing with a lantern “cage” where she was keeping Mama and baby owls. :-) Much play as Mom taking “babe” (me) to school (in the stationary golf cart) and picking her up. Kisses and hugs. got to work on "proyecks" at school (the studio) Endless imagination, including reading me a hilarious made up bedtime story and brushing teeth with a twig. Such delight in everything she sees. When she "wakes up" she proclaims "what a beautiful morning!"

Finally, the first decent morning in a week, so we girls got out in kayaks and my Dory. Yea! and the girls spent lots of time on the beach, and a short trip to the hot tub. A nice day, and altho I did make pancakes this morning, her Mom is the short order cook, which is great.

Have to sleep now ---will post more flckr tomorrow....including the fab moonrise tonight...

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